All posts tagged: mad men

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‘Mad Men’ and The End of an Era

People say that with every ending there is a new beginning. But on Sunday May 17th, 2015 I don’t believe that old adage rang true. Mad Men, AMC’s breakout television drama, was airing its’ final episode of the series. 7 seasons, 8 years, 106 episodes and 4 Emmy awards; those are the statistics. But the television drama transcended statistics. It made us pause, reflect and think about what are lives meant in the context of a rapidly changing world. And it made us constantly reexamine ourselves. For good or bad, Mad Men was there to greet us, focus us, council us, and confront us. So is this the end of just another television drama, or is it the end of something more? I couldn’t even watch. For me there was no excitement in seeing this show disappear from the landscape of our current entertainment culture. I enjoyed how thought-provoking and provocative […]